Since 1986, The S.A. Philippe CORNET is a company of
● Softwoods forest exploitation
● Round wood trade
If the rough timbers are directly delivered to the sawmills, small woods are brought by our roug timber trucks on the automatic saw station in Hotton : 30,000 to 30,000 m³ of softwoods are cut and traded every year, with an always bigger part for exportation : Italy, The Netherlands, China, india.
Cutting - sorting - peeling - punt : more than 60 products
- Round woods all length and all diameters
- Punted, peeled
- Treated (on request)
- Pulping (paper and boards) - Saw bolts (trusses, pallets, fences) - Wood to be calibrated (garden, palisade, fences) - PEFC certified woods - Softwoods from the Ardennes plateau
Fast, Flexible, Quality : the cornerstone of the company.
Located at 6 miles from Marche-en-Famenne (province of Luxemburg) at edge of the Ardenne.